4 Tips to Increase Site Speed and SEO Rankings

Site speed is as important as anything in SEO ranking. You should stand ahead of competition when it comes to search engine optimization. You should build strong links and provide optimized content is essential. If you want to make your website number one among competitors, you should optimize the site in the place where they don’t. You should rigorously test and optimize your SEO speed for SEO rankings. Speed of the website will do well in helping the company to perform better in the organic research.

Losslessly Compress Images

Most of the modern website relay on images and videos to keep the users engaged. Though it is good to have them when people find it hard to read text, the website loading speed will be reduced with these images and videos. The images that you load on the website should not be enormous file sizes so that performance of the website will speed up and the user will be happy. Effective way to deal with large images is to losslessly compress these file so that they are optimized to your website.

SEO Ranking

Make Sure Every Piece of Multimedia Serves a Purpose

Most of the business owners try to build enormous multimedia on the website with the aim of entertaining their users but, this will make the website unusable to the end user. You should be able to filter which types of images and videos are required by your website. Doing this will speed up loading time of your website and keep it away from being cluttered.

Check the Reliability of Your Hosting Provider

If your website load time is not good in spite of looking at all the above factors, it makes sense to look at hosting provider. If you check it out, you may realize that your hosting providing unreliable service. In that case, you can migrate your website to another hosting provider that can offer better service.


Remove or Replace Unneeded Code

If you have a site that is pretty old, sometimes it may amass a lot of old code for the programs that are used no longer on the site. If you think that you should keep it on just in case you ever use the program that the code is tied to, it will have impact on speed of your site. If you have code on the site upwards of a year and has never actually been used is just extra baggage that shouldn’t be kept around. If know how to remove this code from the site or reach the developers to do it, accomplish it quickly so that your site will pay high dividend for website speed.

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